Minecraft stuff is going on!

Playing on the new Randomozo server? Make sure to check out twitter and facebook for our latest I.P Updates!

Comics? Is there a new comic in the works? Who knows!

A few projects have been going around in my mind, and i like to think i'm a good drawer so i'm going to give drawing ago and possibly make a little comic strip for you guys every now and again!


GTA V is out soon! Hurry up Rockstar!

Uncorrupted Gamers

Go visit Uncorrupted Gamers. We play games, and own people on various platforms.

Changes to Cataclysm and other Brutal Awesomeness!

Just as a picture, doesn't this dragon look so fucking epic.

Friday 5 October 2012


Sup guys wow it's been a while...

Anyways, we moved over to www.Randomozo.co.uk so all future blog posts will be stuck over there if not stated otherwise in the future :D

Minecraft server is gooooood.

We got a graphics guy, Called Patrick, he's awesome and designs constant awesomeness plus a few of our shirt designs which can be found here: Randomozo

Sooo yeah! www.Randomozo.co.uk CHECK IT!

Also I'm now based at www.youtube.com/JaffaParty

And Patrick is based at www.youtube.com/DistractedArts